P-05-710 Ensure Disabled People can Access Public Transport As and When They Need it.


This petition was submitted by the Whizz-Kidz, Cardiff Ambassador Club, having collected 22 online signatures and 75 paper signatures = 97 signatures

Text of the Petition

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to ensure that [young] disabled people get the right to accessible public transport when required without the need to plan assistance at least 24 hours in advance. This will then give us the ability to be independent, seek employment, travel to work and meet friends at short notice. Whizz-Kidz Ambassadors are also campaigning to get essential training for taxi and bus drivers as well as train staff in disability awareness and disability support.

Additional information

Young people at the Cardiff Ambassador Club have worked hard to campaign for improvements to public transport. All have had difficulties with taxis, buses and trains over the years and their independence is being compromised by not being able to travel as they need to. Whilst they recognise improvements have been made there is still a lot of work to do.

Assembly Constituency and Region

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